Saturday, July 30, 2011

Wrapping up.

Public art--Kollwitz portrait after her self-portraits.
As I get ready to leave Dresden in a couple days, one last bit of Kollwitz. Just about two blocks from me is the street that runs along the Elbe, called Käthe-Kollwitz-Ufer, or Käthe Kollwitz Embankment. In a posting last May, I wrote of Kollwitz's Dresden connection. Street namings are another aspect of that. The Käthe-Kollwitz-Ufer is the biggest one.

More pictures from this street.  The local electrical utility, Drewag, has a number of small transformer stations (I think they are) all over the city, and they are painted in a huge variety of ways, often in trompe-l'oeil style. Here's the one down the street. Incredibly well done. And no, the building is not made of bricks.

In another lifetime, I would go around the town seeking out and photographing all such stations.  They're all over, and quite wonderful.

a "prince" of a bike.
Sad news: I just sold my bicycle in preparation for leaving. I had bought it used soon after I got here, and it served me incredibly well. I practically lived on it. Rode it on average 7 days a week. Perfect for the cobblestones and often holey streets of Dresden. Sold it for cheap to my next-door neighbor, who bought it for his 15-yr-old son. I now have a real appreciation for mountain bikes, which I had previously disdained.

As for this blog, I do plan to add a little more to it after I get home Monday night. (Perhaps long after.) I would like to say a little more about the musical projects I have been working on in Dresden, which are ongoing. There is plenty more for me to do that I can handle online from Pittsburgh.

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