Monday, July 11, 2011


It's been a long time since I've written, and of course the big thing that has happened in the meantime is my trip to play two concerti in Phoenix.  Or more accurately, at Arizona State in Tempe.  The concert went well and was well received and all that, but the main thing is that I got to Carolina's again after 18 years.  Worth the trip, and the wait.

It's hard to think of what else to say.  Most everyone was there.  It's always fun to play a concerto with orchestra, something I do on average about every 4-5 years.  I do feel a little funny when all those players are working just for me, it seems.  And I wonder (if not assume) if they're hating it and waiting for the service to be over so they can go home.  I do some of that when I'm accompanying a soloist, but usually I listen critically to the soloist and imagine how I would do up there.  So here was one of my rare opportunities to see. 

I remember from the first public performances I gave at the UNICEF Youth Concerts that I practically had to be pushed out the door onto the stage to play, I was so scared.  Now, it's more intellectual:  I tell myself I can do this, and I believe it.  Then I tell myself to just do it, and I walk out decisively and play.  Then, all the dumb things happen, but I won't go into that.  I know how much the audience likes it.  At least I think I do.

Carolina's hasn't changed in any way but prices.  Can't wait to go back.  Just west of the airport, if you're ever in Phoenix.  You could do it by taxi during a layover of a couple hours.

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