Sunday, February 13, 2011

13 February 2011

A couple of quick speeches at the Rathaus...
I woke up today to an inch or two of new snow with freezing temperatures, and went to the human chain demonstration called by the mayor for 2 pm.  Here is a view of the chain looking down Saint Petersburg St., where I had taken a photograph to illustrate yesterday's blogg post.  Note snow, and human chain.

...and people set out to take their places.
I personally saw no evidence of any right-wingers at all.  I may have been somewhat confused, because there are calls for another demonstration against neo-nazis to be held next Saturday the 19th, for no apparent reason of anniversary or whatever that I can tell.  A "solemn vigil" has been called "against right-wing extremists" from 11 to 5 that day:  But I have read that there was to be a "funeral march" through the old part of town by the neo-nazis today.

So nothing to terribly earth-shattering about today's 66th anniversary vigil.  At least nothing likely to make American news.  Except for me -- I was there.  Here is one of the most understated monuments I have ever seen, between the paving stones in the middle of the Old Market square in the middle of town (where the Christmas market is held, among many other things):
"After the air attacks on Dresden of 13-14 Feb 1945, the bodies of 6865 human beings were cremated here."

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