This is a little poster on a lamp post down the street from me, left over from the February, 2011 demonstrations I wrote about at the time. And the more I look at this, the funnier it gets.
It wants people to listen to Schönberg instead of Wagner, I take it because Wagner was beloved by Nazis and Schönberg wasn't, and was Jewish. It shows an image of an Egon Schiele portrait of Schönberg and a well-known standard one of Wagner (whose painter I don't know). The blue circle at the left edge calls people out to counter-demonstrations against the neo-nazis. It even uses typography to help make its point.
My god. People should listen to Schönberg over Wagner? Sure, they're both great composers, but 99% + of the demonstrators would certainly prefer Wagner's music if they heard both back to back. If they've even heard of them. Totally silly.
Then I noticed the little line at the bottom of the sign saying who put it out. Using lots of abbreviations, it seems to come from the anti-fascist committee of the student council of the Dresden Conservatory of Music. Great. Good left-wing students, as is expected in German universities. And just as thoughtful as you'd expect, too.
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